
Friday, March 23, 2012


In about one week we will have had Emma for 2 months!  I can't believe how time has flown by!  She is doing so well and fits right in with our family!  She can say mama, wave hello and bye, and even  can show you where her head is!  We are truly enjoying our new daughter, sister, and granddaughter!  Here is a video of the day we "got" her and a video I took yesterday of her!  Thanks Tera and Dawn for helping me with the video information!  Enjoy!



  1. Why is it you mama, seem to laugh whenever my little ladybug falls, or hits herself? Did you get that from me? What a difference from "gotcha" day...I love the videos...of course I cried all over again. Oh, Nana

  2. You guys FINALLY put some videos on your blog!
    (It's a MIRACLE!)
