
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Zoo

Yesterday I took Emma to the zoo for the first time with two other friends who also have kids the same age as Emma.  The day was beautiful- not a cloud in the sky!  Emma enjoyed playing on the statues of the different animals.  She loved climbing on them and sitting on them as well!  Next, we ventured over to the water play area.  I put on her swimsuit and she had a blast playing in the fountain of water!  She especially loved trying to "drink" the water!  Last, we fed the giraffes.  This was so fun!  She loved taking the lettuce and handing it over for the giraffe to get with its tongue!  I even video taped it!  Enjoy the pictures and video!

                                             Emma and Spencer

                                            Emma and Skyler

                                           My FAVORITE picture!!!


  1. Emma DIDN'T look like a happy camper when she got her ears pierced.

  2. Okay..I am so glad u grabbed her hand before that giraffe ATE IT!! Bahahaha!!!! I LOVED seeing her live!!!! Instead of still pic :)
