Hi everyone-
So I bit the bullet and am now paying a whopping $2.50 per month for extra space. I know so many of you told me that you have been blogging for years and have never come across such a thing. However, I did- and it wouldn't go away! So I figured the $2.50 wasn't so much to pay in order to keep blogging!
Last week was Thanksgiving! We had so much to be thankful for! I am so blessed to have such a loving husband, three beautiful children, a fantastic mom and dad, great friends, a job, my health.......
My mom of course had Thanksgiving dinner at her house! It was delicious! Emma enjoyed eating honey baked ham, turkey, and some mashed potatoes!
We have been super busy around here. Emma got to see her first parade last week. She really loved it! She enjoyed watching all the floats, hearing the music, and seeing all the children dancing!
My cousin from Baltimore has been down so the kids have all been playing and having a great time together.
Emma is doing really well! She is talking a bit more and more each day. She is just as crazy as ever. Her new thing now is to go down the slide either on her back head first or on her stomach! Crazy! And the funny thing is.... she laughs like crazy when she does it!
She has FINALLY made it onto the charts for her weight! She now weighs 22 pounds and is at the 4th %! Great! She is blossoming right before our very eyes each day!
Last month on her birthday I decided to try putting her to sleep in her bedroom. She did such a great job! I could have probably moved her even sooner! But I really wanted her to be right with us in our room! Can't believe how big she is getting!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving Day!
Nana got her this sit and spin. She had a fun time spinning on it!
Can't believe how big my boy is! He has the PERFECT body for swimming!
Hanging out with her brothers and cousin.
At the parade. She loved watching everything!
Is this the funniest face you have ever seen? I don't know how I even caught this on the camera!
Love this picture of her!!!