
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sick, Getting Better, and Sick Again!

Hi everyone- sorry it has been so long since I have updated the blog.  I have been super busy with work, the kids being sick(all three of them), doctors appointments, swimming, drama rehearsals!  Whew!

The main thing is that the kids have been sick for quite a while!  Emma brought something home from school about 4 weeks ago and was out of commission for about a week.  Then the day she went back to school, Adam stayed home sick with a fever and nasty looking eye.  He ended up having a terrible eye infection and to this day is still having drops put in for inflammation!  On Adam's 4th day of being home sick, Noah woke up with fever!  The two of them stayed home from school another 4 days!  Whatever they had was pretty bad! 

Finally everyone was better! This past Friday Emma had a fever and then came down with a  cold and cough. Big brother Noah had another fever yesterday and now has a cold!  Wow!  

So we have been pretty busy trying to get everyone better!

Here are some pictures taken over the past couple of months! 

Adam's Honor Roll Assembly!  He was only in school to receive his award!  His eye was terrible!

Noah's first real swim meet!  He placed FIRST in both the freestyle and breast stroke!

                                                   Emma's ONE year gotcha day anniversary!

                                               My beautiful little girl is getting so big!


  1. Finally an update...not that I don't know how they look, or what's going on, or who is shuffling them from school to doctor to home to doctor etc etc etc. Nothing worse than a sick kid...they look so pathetic at times and feel soooo good when they cuddle. Love them. Love you. Love, Nana

  2. Great to see an update! Hope all of the sickness stays away now. Love Emma in the pigtails!
