
Monday, June 11, 2012

My Little Fish

Both my boys love swimming so it didn't surprise me that Emma would too!  But let me tell you- I had no idea how much she would LOVE the pool!  I kept saying "crazy baby!"  Let me explain... Emma would sit on the float and then FLING herself off of it into the water!  She would go under the water and when she came up she would fling her head side to side!  She did this almost everytime she came up from the water!  And the funny part of it- she always had a smile on her face- even UNDER the water!  I captured alot of really cute pictures!  I even video taped her "craziness!"

                      Love this picture of Emma diving into the water on her own!

                                 Just look how she SMILES under the water!!!


  1. That's my little water baby...what a daredevil! bow on top of her head in some of these pictures!!

  2. kids nuts. LOL fits right in!

  3. Wow, that is completely amazing how she does that. Let me say our Emma too loves the pool. She heads out on the patio daily wanted to get in, she tried getting out of her float today so we put arm floaties on her. She starts kicking her feet and off she goes.

  4. I love the videos!It was SOOO funny!I was laughing till i was crying!


  5. These Yangxi kids seem to love to water...

  6. LOVE this!! I'm sooo gla she loves the water! 4 out of 5 of mine do..hopefully Zoey will be like Emma next year!! :) looks like you are having a great time as a family of 5!!! Love and miss ya!
