
Friday, September 21, 2012

All Smiles

All is well here!  Emma is finally getting over her nasty cough.  Believe it or not being on the nebulizer treatment 3x a day for 17 days didn't even do the trick.  I brought her back to the pediatricians office where they prescribed her an antibiotic.  After only 4 days, she is doing much better.  Hopefully she will be cough free within the next couple of days.  She is still all smiles most of the time!  She seems to be enjoying school and hanging out with her new friends and working on projects.  I can't believe she will be turning "2" next month!  In nine days she will have been with our family for 8 months!  I can't believe how the time just flies right by!  I have enjoyed every minute of every day being with my little girl.  Enjoy the pictures!

 I LOVE this photo!  Why?  I told her to pose just like mommy was doing... and sure enough out pops the "diva/model" in her!

I just can't get over:
How big she is getting!  How long her hair is!  That she knows where ALL her body parts are!  How much she loves her brothers, daddy, and mommy! 


  1. And don't forget her Nana...she seems pretty close to loving her as well! This little girl is a joy...very very special...just like her big brothers. Hugs and kisses...Nana

  2. I love the pics! She is so happy!

  3. She is so cute! Love the swimsuit pose! I agree- can't believe how long her hair is! Haha- we were running out of new body parts to teach Brielle so now we even have to differentiate between thumbs and fingers. These little cuties are smart!!
