
Monday, October 22, 2012

Pictures and Pigtails

Just thought I would post a few cute pictures of Emma.  Her hair has really grown and now looks really cute with pigtails. 

This was too cute not to put in.  She saw her brothers eating ice cream and immediately climbed up on the kitchen table to join them!
 Adam had a friend over yesterday and every time I tried to take a picture of them, Emma had to be in it!
 Climbing  up the slide!

 Again, she has to be right where the "big" boys are! 
 Playing with her little doggie!

 I just love this picture!  Look at those pigtails!


  1. I love the pigtails and yes she looks adorable with them......our Emma too looks adorable with them. She wears her hair most of the time with them. I mailed your package yesterday, you should be getting it today by UPS!

    1. Hope your Emma is feeling much better. We missed seeing you all at our Emma's birthday...hope we will get together again in the near future. Regards to all...Nana

  2. Pam, she is so adorable...looks like she likes getting into

  3. Well my comment was meant for Sherri...not P...oh well...Emma Song was really cute on Sunday when the boys got together...she had to be right in there trying to keep up with them...They are so good natured...they never seem to get annoyed with her. She sure is a keeper!!!

  4. Hi Mrs.Pinero!Hope things are doing O.K in your household.My dad(you remember him don't you?)had to go to the hospital and stayed there for a whole week!He's doing fine now,back at home,relaxing and watching TV,in a little bit of pain though that's for sure!
