
Monday, April 30, 2012

3 Months Home

Can you believe how time goes by so quickly!?  Today makes 3 months since meeting Emma for the first time!  She has bonded to her new family extremely well!  She loves her mommy and wants to be with me all the time!  She totally enjoys spending time with her big brothers because they are SO much fun to play with!  Of course daddy is great because he always gives her snacks to eat!  Emma loves being on the go!  She walks and now runs around like a little maniac!  She climbs up the ladder to get to the slide and even climbs up the slide to get to the top!  She has great motor skills for sure!  She was just at the doctor for another check up:  She now weighs 19.7 pounds, is 31 inches tall, and has about 10 teeth!  She says mama, dada, hi, and dog.  She has made our family complete!  We LOVE her!

                                              Gotcha Day- 1/30/12
                                                 Home 3 months!


  1. Wow, 3 months! Emma you are darling, and your Mommy puts really cute bows in your hair!

  2. Wow, look how much her hair has grown.
    We have to get together otherwise she will be 10 and the boys 20 and we will only have caught a glimpse of her at the airport.

    Your girl has so many expressions and each one makes me giggle.

  3. I love her smile!


  4. Your Emma is adorable, how old she is? Our Emma has been home 2.5 months.
